Whilst working for La Docena, I created a brand identity for Ana Tomé, a yoga and mediation mentor based near Bilbao. We wanted to develop two distinct ideas for Ana to chose from. One direction was slightly more classic, a handwritten signature font with a logo that evoked the natural world.

I wanted something fresh and personal that radiated calm without feeling static. Ana’s business is located near to a nature reserve, ‘Urdaibai’, a mountainous place that opens out to the sea. The logo is intentionally ambiguous. It could be waves or the contour of hills. It’s a wink to the transcendental beauty that enriches and inspires Ana’s practice. 

The other option was based on geometric forms and vivacious color. I used flat, bright colors and a modern but slightly zany font. The logo for the second brand idea was taken from the shape of the ‘m’ in Tomé. It looks a little like a person doing yoga and can be used in different ways to create a playful visual identity.

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